
Saturday 19 June 2021


 1. Sarva curse, baba, doshas

Will go away.

2. Karma deeds will be abolished.

3. Navagraha Doshas will go away.

4. Shanikraha Doshas will go away.

5. sarpa doshas will go away.

6. Poverty will be eradicated.

7. Debt Troubles Will Reduce.

8. fights, disputes will end.

9. disease, seconds will be cured.

All 10. obstacles will go away. Head

A life without a bent

It will be.

11. Will get the blessing of marriage.

It will be a good word.

Anything between 12. couples

Will happen. Unity will flow.

13. children will be born. The best

Babies will be born.

14. There will be progress in education.

The thought study will come.

15. will get a good job. And that too

It will be as expected.

16. Foreign Job Openings

It will be.

17. money in some way

It will keep coming and going.

18. Oval, Billy, Witch will leave.

Evil forces will run away.

18. Eyesight, Jealousy

Will go away. Forsake the evil ones


19. The land field will reach. The house, the door,

The poison will reach the flame.

20. Property, Pleasure will increase. Money

No shortage of money

21. official post, fame,

The influence will be there. Good self

Business will be formed.

22. Progress will happen in the industry.

23. Competition in the industry

The jealousy will go down.

There won't be any slippers in the business.

Will get 24. golden siddhi. Dana,

There is a grain fullness.

25. crore crore profit debt,

Kubera will get the wealth of the world.

26. Ashta wealth will increase.

Ashta Lakshmi will get mercy.

28. Ashta Mangalas will be filled.

The deeds that came in 29. will go away.

30. The deeds that come will not come and go.

31. asked for and all asked for


32. as thought all as thought

Will happen.

33. unheard and unthinkable

Many miracles will happen by walking.

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